Discussion document on War Pensions Act rewrite launched

Friday 1 August 2008, 1:11AM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


The ongoing work to improve and streamline services to veterans took a significant step forward today with the release of the Law Commission Issues Paper, Towards a New Veterans’ Entitlements Scheme: A Discussion Paper on a Review of the War Pensions Act 1954.

Law Commission President Sir Geoffrey Palmer launched the discussion document during a function at Parliament today, which was attended by representatives of the veterans' community and the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association (RNZRSA).

"Our current War Pensions Act is out of date and it needs to be rewritten in order to meet the needs of current and future veterans," Mr Barker said.

"The government is committed to ensuring that the care and services we provide to veterans is of the highest possible standard, and the legislation which underpins this effort needs to reflect the changing face of our veterans' population and take a more holistic approach to the welfare of our veterans."

The Law Commission is leading the review of the War Pensions Act, in close consultation with the RNZRSA. The paper released today will help guide further discussion in the lead up to the rewrite of the Act.

"The Law Commission has done great work outlining the principles which should form the basis of the new legislation and I am particularly pleased that Sir Geoffrey's team have started with the concept of community responsibility.

"In return for putting themselves in harm's way during service on behalf of the nation – the community has a responsibility to look after veterans and their families if they are killed or injured. This recognition of enduring obligation is the heart of all the work we are doing in the Veterans' Affairs portfolio.

"As I have said before the principle behind the rule known as the “reverse onus of proof” will not change, but it is important that we have a modern piece of legislation to support the work that we are doing for veterans," Mr Barker said.

Submissions on the issues paper are welcomed and a copy is available at

Written submissions should be sent to the Law Commission, PO Box 2590, Wellington 6011. The final date for submissions is 28 November 2008.