Appointments to the Film and Literature Board of Review

Saturday 2 August 2008, 5:08PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


Dr Ian Lambie, Judith Fyfe and Andrea Haines have been appointed to the Film and Literature Board of Review, Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker announced yesterday.

Dr Ian Lambie is a psychologist with particular expertise in youth offending, psychology of offenders and health. Dr Lambie is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Auckland.

Judith Fyfe is a forensic lawyer and partner at Fyfe Doherty Legal Investigation Service. She is also an oral history lecturer, consultant and project director at Victoria University of Wellington.

Andrea Haines is a Senior Tutor in the Teaching and Learning Development Unit at the University of Waikato, as well as a peer reviewer for the New Zealand Educational Journal. She has been a long term member of the Hamilton Film Society and its President since 2001.

They have been appointed for three years.

Dr Jospehine Baddeley, who was appointed to the Film and Literature Board of Review on 1 January 2008, will be Deputy President.

The Board is an independent statutory appeal body established under section 91 of the Films, Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993 (the Act). It is appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Minister of Internal Affairs to review classifications made by the Office of Film and Literature Classification (the Office). Publications include films, video recordings, DVDs, books, magazines and computer-based material.

For more information about the Film and Literature Board of Review visit