Department Of Conservation Transfers Some Biosecurity Functions to MAFBNZ

Department of Conservation

Wednesday 6 August 2008, 11:17AM

By Department of Conservation


The Department of Conservation has received cabinet approval to transfer some of its current functions in relation to unwanted organisms to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ).


"This agreement works well for both departments, because as part of our Strategy and Budget review, we wanted to focus our core business more in alignment with our new strategic direction," DOC's General Manager, Research and Development, Kevin O'Connor said today.


It fits in well with MAFBNZ's accountability for ensuring that their decisions take account of the full range of biosecurity outcomes, including economic, conservation and human health.


"We will continue to provide advice to MAFBNZ on high level policy issues, and technical and scientific advice on a case by case basis, and also provide advice to the Environmental Risk Management Agency on priority new organisms. Good communication will underpin these arrangements," Mr O'Connor said.


There will be a fiscally neutral transfer of $200,000 from Vote Conservation to Vote Biosecurity on an annual basis and a Memorandum of Understanding will be drawn up between the two parties. The change comes into effect on October 1, this year.