Leading NZ stylist advice to rugby coaches Henry and Deans 'come on guys, smile'

Word of Mouth Media NZ

Thursday 7 August 2008, 8:26AM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ


Rugby coaches Graham Henry and Robbie Deans have one thing in common – neither warmly connect to the public, according to leading New Zealand stylist Stephanie Rumble.

New Zealanders needed to see role models let down their guard and show that it is alright to laugh and maybe even cry, Rumble said.

``On the whole these guys (Henry and Deans) do not warmly connect with the public. We all know they have an important job to do. They look the part and no doubt deliver in their coaching but they are so inexpressive and unemotional.

``Don’t get me wrong we don’t need punch ups on the pitch, but come on guys smile, show your enthusiasm with a game well played.’’

Rumble, who last week launcher her style brand Flair Image, said Henry slavishly supports the All Blacks’ main sponsor.

Deans has slid very nicely out of the red and black to embrace the green and gold although one will notice on close inspection that the post match suit is less garish than the jerseys.

``Although his tone is still deadpan he can still muster up the odd smile despite the whipping his new team received last Saturday. ‘’

Other players, Rumble said Dan Carter was smart, savvy and sassy. He had a practical and stylish hair cut and he looks at the camera when interviewed as does Richie McCaw.

``Carter could offer some styling advice to some for his teammates such as Adam Thompson. Rodney So'oialo and Ma’a Nonu are both holding onto their dreadlocks. Piri Wepu has had the same fun in the past with peroxide.’’

Rumble earlier said Prime Minister Helen Clark was too inhibited, John Keys needed some contrast, Gerry Brownlee could lose the white shirt look and Michael Cullen was pretty good for an older chap.

Rumble has been a stylist for years, was Best Dressed woman at Cup Week two years ago.

She said presenter Petra Bagust was one of the best styled New Zealanders.
