Groundbreaking agreement on Health Quality

Thursday 7 August 2008, 5:25PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


A new and strong partnership between health professionals and their employers is the key to improving the quality of healthcare delivery, Health Minister David Cunliffe said today.

The Time for Quality agreement was developed between the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) and the 21 district health boards, with the support of the Minister of Health.

“Our expectations of the health system to deliver rests significantly on the quality of the relationship between health professionals, and their employers,” Mr Cunliffe said at the signing of the agreement

“This is a groundbreaking agreement that shows just what can be achieved between professional medical associations and the country’s DHBs. It underlines there is trust and confidence in our system that we must preserve.” Mr Cunliffe noted.

ASMS President Jeff Brown and Southland District Health Board Chair Dennis Cairns, representing the 21 DHBs, signed the agreement.

Under the agreement, managers and health professionals make an “explicit commitment” to promote a partnership based on teamwork and respect. They also commit to work together to ensure the patient receives optimal care in a culturally appropriate way.

For their part, managers commit to supporting health professionals in leading efforts to improve services and developing best practice, and ensure recognised competencies and credentialing standards are met.

The initial focus will be on five projects. These may include the national cystic fibrosis services, the national pediatric services and the national Intensive Care Network.