Waikato Museum to host very own Antiques and Collectables Roadshow

Hamilton City Council

Saturday 9 August 2008, 12:59AM

By Hamilton City Council



Hamilton residents will be able to find out whether their art, antiques and collectables are actually worth thousands when Waikato Museum hosts its very own Antiques and Collectables Roadshow.

Taking place on Saturday, 23 August from 11am-5.30pm, the roadshow will include assessments by renowned antiques experts Peter Wedde (Wedde Antiques) and Hamish Walsh (Walsh Antiques) from the popular TVNZ show 'Auction House'. While the Museum's roadshow will not be broadcast, it will allow visitors to learn more about the unique stories behind their treasures and find out how much they are really worth.

According to Waikato Museum Public Programme Leader and event organiser Sarah Oliver, the roadshow promises to be an entertaining day out for all.

"Visitors can enjoy some homemade scones and delicious Devonshire teas at the Museum Café while soaking up the atmosphere. For those waiting for assessments or simply wanting to observe, there will be a big screen set up so they can take in all the action from the Museum foyer.

"There'll be plenty entertainment too. Music and performances will take place throughout the day in the marquee, and there will be some spot prizes for those who get into the spirit of things and dress up in a costume of a bygone era."

The event has been organised as part of the Great Collection Show: from Matchbox to Telephone Box which gives visitors a sneak preview into the precious objects behind the scenes at the Waikato Museum.

Assessments are $4 per item with a maximum of 3 items per person. Spaces with assessors are limited so prior booking is recommended. To book your items visitors must come into the Museum reception. For more information call 07 838 6606.