2008 Residents Survey Results Released

Waitaki District Council

Thursday 14 August 2008, 11:42AM

By Waitaki District Council



The results of Waitaki District Council’s 2008 Residents Survey have been released and indicate the Council is performing better than other similar size Councils.


The survey found that out of 15 service areas, Waitaki District Council performed better than the average for other rural Councils in 9 service areas, and the same as the average in one area.


Satisfaction with water supplies increased noticeably in 2008, with 81% of residents being happy with this service, compared to 70% in 2007. In the Oamaru Ward, 86% of residents were satisfied with their supply. The Oamaru Water Treatment Plant upgrade was completed in 2007.


Satisfaction with recycling and consultation also improved noticeably in 2008. Resident satisfaction with recycling was 61% (up from 47% in 2007) and satisfaction with consultation was 47% (up from 39% in 2007). Residents in the Ahuriri and Waihemo Wards also indicated they were pleased with the performance of their Community Board representatives, with 74% of people living in these wards rating their performance as satisfactory, a noticeable increase from the 2007 results of 58% satisfaction.


There was a high level of satisfaction with the Council’s customer service. 89% of people contacting the Council by phone and 90% of people who contacted the Council in person were happy with the service they received.


The survey also asked people to identify whether they considered services to be a high or a low priority. The highest priority services identified by residents were rubbish, water supplies, roads, the environment and economic development. Community facilities, and the port and airport were considered to be lower priorities.


Waitaki District Mayor, Alex Familton said, “It is pleasing to note that residents have noticed improvements to a number of our customer services. We will review the survey results to identify areas where we can improve our performance.”