TCDC News Briefs August 2008
Whangamata Marina rental set
Whangamata Marina Society will pay full market rental for much of the area of the proposed marina the Thames-Coromandel District Council decided at its meeting in Thames last week.
Mayor Philippa Barriball says this in is line with submissions made during the public consultation processes.
Council resolved that the society club house area will be treated the same as for other non profit organisations, while any future Coastguard building area will attract the same rental as other similar services.
The rentals set last week will apply for the first three years.
For further information please contact:
TCDC Mayor, Philippa Barriball on 07-868 0200
TCDC supports move to expand Carnegie Library project
Thames-Coromandel District Council has conditionally agreed to purchase a building next to the former Carnegie Library in Thames to allow the Coromandel Heritage Trust to better manage its long term archival plans.
Last week’s council meeting was told that the Carnegie Library on its own was not big enough to accommodate all of the proposed trust activities and that the building next door at 703 Queen Street was available for purchase.
It is proposed that the purchase of 703 Queen Street will be financed from the sale of council-owned properties at 802 and 804 Pollen Street, which had originally been bought for the same purpose, and Council’s support is conditional on this happening. It is also conditional on external grants being gained to cover the remaining costs of the project not already being funded by TCDC.
The council will review the situation at its February meeting prior to an option on the 703 Queen Street building expiring in March.
For further information please contact:
TCDC Community Services Manager, John Rich on 07-868 0200
Whitianga service lane and footpath purchases approved
Service lane users between Lee Street and Hannan Road in Whitianga will soon see it being widened and sealed as a result of a decision at last week’s Thames Coromandel District Council meeting in Thames.
The council has resolved to complete the purchase of the necessary land it does not currently own and begin the upgrading as soon as this is done.
At the same time the council resolved to buy the footpath land in front of the Bank of New Zealand building at 70 Albert Street, and to make provision in the 2009-2019 Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) to acquired land being used as a footpath at 5-7 Blacksmith Lane and 48 Albert Street.
For further information please contact:
TCDC Area Manager (Mercury Bay) Lesley McCormick on 07-868 0200
Saxon Shaft Pump Station work to proceed
Thames-Coromandel District Council has authorised remedial works to stabilise storm damage to the historic Saxon Shaft Pump Station in Thames at a cost of $142,000.
Council is carrying out the repairs because of its obligations under its District Plan in respect of heritage buildings.
The building is listed as Category 2 by the NZ Historic Places Trust.
Mayor Philippa Barriball says the council is keen to see the building maximised for public viewing because it is such an historical icon for the town.
“We are also exploring other avenues of finance that may assist us in making the building something we can all be proud of,” she says.
For further information please contact:
TCDC Community Services Manager, John Rich on 07-868 0200
Or Communications Manager Mark Ebrey Ph 868 0200 ext 265
TCDC District Plan changes to be notified
Minor changes proposed to the Thames-Coromandel District Plan that will make it more user friendly and effective are to be publicly notified by the Thames Coromandel District Council.
The Proposed Plan Change 2 and Variation 23 – Administrative Changes (General Provisions) and Proposed Plan Change 2A – Administrative Changes (Subdivision Provisions) were signed off at the TCDC meeting held in Thames last week.
For further information please contact:
TCDC Group Manager Policy and Planning, Peter Mickleson on 07-868 0200
Or Communications Manager Mark Ebrey Ph 868 0200 ext 265