Maori Party Roadshow in Te Wai Pounamu
This week Maori Party MPs and electorate candidates, including Te Tai Tonga candidate Rahui Katene, are attending a roadshow organised by Te Wai Pounamu electorate members and supporters.
“We’re excited at the opportunity to meet kanohi ki te kanohi with our people and hear about their concerns, and their hopes for the future, first hand” said Rahui Katene.
The roadshow itinerary includes visits to a host of groups from iwi negotiators to health and housing, with a public hui to be held each day.
“Much like our roadshow in Ikaroa-Rawhiti a fortnight ago, and the one in Hauraki-Waikato last week, we’re hearing loud and clear that the big issues for whanau in Te Tai Tonga are the cost of living, financial hardship and housing – problems which are hugely exacerbated in the South by recent job losses and the often extreme weather conditions”, said Mrs Katene.
“Confiscation of the foreshore and seabed continues to be a priority issue in need of resolution - not only for the people of Te Tau Ihu, but all over the motu”, ended Mrs Katene.
All media are welcome to attend the following public events:
Tuesday 26 August
9:00am - 10:00am Foreshore and seabed event, Waikawa Foreshore
3:30pm - 5:00pm Public hui, Takahanga Marae, Kaikoura (roads permitting)
Wednesday 27 August
12:00noon – 1:00pm Council rents protest event, Cathedral Square, ChCh
7:00pm – 9:00pm Public hui, Rangimarie Centre, Gloucester St, ChCh
Thursday 28 August
6:00pm – 8:00pm Public hui, Murihiku Marae, Invercargill