Federated Farmers slam ETS decision - lets kill the goose politicians say

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Thursday 28 August 2008, 7:06AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers president Don Nicolson said today, “This decision about the emissions trading scheme is rushed and has been made for the wrong reasons.


“These politicians seem to have forgotten that it is agriculture that is laying New Zealand’s golden egg. Our farming communities are working very hard every day to produce the food and fibre that we sell to the world that helps pay many of New Zealand’s bills.


“If we want to try and remain a first world, rather than a third world country, the simple fact is we need agriculture to prosper and grow. We cant afford to kill New Zealand’s golden goose.


Mr Nicolson’s comments follows the announcement by NZ First, the Greens and the Progressive parties that they will be joining Labour to support the passing of the Emissions Trading Bill


“This is a giant leap into the abyss. Here’s hoping we don’t kill the golden goose.


“What we have is a whole lot of gamesmanship that is divorced from the real world. While it may provide some politicians with a very short term fix, the risks will be felt by farmers and other New Zealanders for decades.


Mr Nicolson said that it was extremely disappointing that the reality was the bill would now be passed. The Federation would now try and unbundle the mixed messages from the various parties that supported the bill and look at what actions we can take to reduce the damage.


“The Federation will remain steadfast in its determination to get some common sense and practical solutions to the mess that this legislation now creates. If there is a bright side, its not obvious right now,” Mr Nicolson concluded.