Audit costs to be passed down
More Central Government costs to be met by TCDC ratepayers.
Thames-Coromandel ratepayers can expect further central government costs to be directly added to their annual rates bills - this time in the form of increased audit bills.
Thames-Coromandel District Council Mayor Philippa Barriball says this was clearly signalled at a Zone 2 Local Government Association meeting in Gisborne recently when the Assistant Auditor General, Bruce Robertson, told the meeting that more than a million dollars in audit costs had been funded by central government in 2006, but no longer.
In recent times councils have had to have a lot more of their processes and activities formally audited, including its annual plan, annual report and 10 year plans.
In TCDC’s case, audit costs have increased by 50 per cent.
“While it is important that ratepayers can have confidence in the processes of local government, the extra surety provided by audit comes at a cost and at a time when Council is concerned about the overall affordability of its services,” the Mayor says.