Fonterra has responsibility to assist sick babies

Green Party

Wednesday 17 September 2008, 6:26PM

By Green Party


Fonterra has a responsibility to ensure that the families and children affected by their Chinese partner’s contaminated products are getting the medical attention they desperately need, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.

“Hundreds of distraught parents are demanding explanations from Fonterra’s partner company Sanlu and - given Fonterra’s decision not to inform parents of the contamination - I believe Fonterra has a special responsibility to the victims in this tragedy,” Ms Kedgley says.

“This baby food product was one of the cheapest available in China, and the people affected are mainly rural and low income families – with extremely limited means to seek appropriate medical care.

“Fonterra has a responsibility to ensure that everything is being done to assist the babies whose lives have been put at risk because of a product manufactured by their joint venture partner,” Ms Kedgley says.

“I cannot understand why Fonterra withheld the information that their milk product was contaminated for more than a month. How many more children became sick and even died because of their refusal to go public?

“Instead of trying to defend their actions, Fonterra should look at how it can take proactive steps to help the people their poor decisions have so disastrously affected.”