Faster, cleaner, safer, cheaper our public transport future

Green Party

Sunday 21 September 2008, 1:23PM

By Green Party



More choices for commuters and protection from prices at the petrol pump are key elements of the Green Party’s Transport Package released by Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons in Wellington today.

The Party launched the package on Wellington’s waterfront with a bus and 48 cars and bicycles to demonstrate how many fewer cars would be on the road for every fully seated bus.

“The Green Party has a vision where a fast, efficient and affordable public transport network is available to New Zealanders. A network so good that people won’t think twice about leaving their care at home,” Ms Fitzsimons says.

“New Zealand’s current transport system is biased in favour of cars and trucks, and against trains, buses, ferries, bikes, and people on foot. It is biased against climate change. It is unaffordable and unsustainable.

“The Greens will progressively increase the proportion of the transport budget that Government spends on public transport, walking and cycling facilities.

“At the moment relatively empty buses and trains being run during off peak hours, while peak hour services are crammed full. The Greens want to change this. To make better use of off peak capacity, and potentially move some passengers away from peak hours, everyone will be able to travel off peak on public transport for $1, anywhere within the urban limits of any city for a two hour period.

“Even during peak times taking public transport will become more affordable. We are proposing cheaper day, week and month passes and a 50 percent discount for children, students and beneficiaries

“We believe this is the most comprehensive programme ever put forward in New Zealand to protect the travelling public from high prices at the pump and congestion when they travel to work. It will significantly reduce our climate change emissions and prepare us to cope with much more expensive and scarce oil in the future.

“We owe it to our children and to ourselves to do all this without delay,” Ms Fitzsimons says.

“Our cities will be safer, the air cleaner, travel more pleasant and faster and less expensive. What are we waiting for?”

A copy of the package and speech can be found here: