Business gets new emissions calculator
Monday 22 September 2008, 7:03AM
By New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development
A new online guide and calculator have been launched to help businesses measure and cut their emissions – and boost profits.
While emissions pricing is now on its way, following the September 10 passage of the emission trading law, the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development says few business decision makers feel fully informed on the issue – and most have not measured their emissions.
The new guide includes examples of companies cutting emissions – and adding millions of dollars to their bottom lines.
"We think there are big opportunities for businesses to measure emissions, cut them and profit," Business Council Chief Executive Peter Neilson says.
The Business Council has provided emissions measurement information and an online calculator since 2003.
Its latest guide and updated online calculator, available at , are aimed at empowering mid level executives to quickly prepare reports – and encourage their organisations to act.
The new calculator uses the latest emissions factors, allows firms to save data, revisit to complete emissions reports – and download and save them in excel.
"Emissions reduction isn't just about the bigger emitters who will need to be the point of obligation in the emissions trading scheme. It's also about hundreds of thousands of medium to small businesses which will be paying an emissions price through fuel, power and other costs.
"Lowering carbon emissions is also necessary – to ensure New Zealand stays competitive long term as we head into a lower-carbon economy globally and consumers start reading carbon labels on products and services.
"It's going to become essential for a business to measure and verify emissions and develop strategies to cut them avoid costs – or boost profits in many cases," Mr Neilson says.
The Emissions Guide and Calculator service has been developed in association with the Ministry for the Environment and the climate change team of Business Council member company Pricewaterhouse Coopers.
The service is funded and provided free by the Business Council, whose 73 member companies believe businesses should make a profit, but also take care of the environment and people. Their annual sales of about $45 billion equate to about 34% of gross domestic product in dollar terms.