STV vs FPP Last Chance for Wellington Voters
Less than 30% of votes in Wellington city’s STV vs FPP poll have been returned though the voting period is almost over – and registered voters are urged to get a move-on.
At noon yesterday some 39,325 envelopes containing postal votes had been returned to Wellington Electoral Officer Ross Bly. That's 29.6% - just over a quarter - of the 132,762 papers mailed out on
5 September.
Mr Bly says the poll closes this Saturday 27 September – and he advises voters to get completed voting papers into the mail tomorrow (Thursday).
After that, if voters still want to make their votes count, then they drop the papers off from Friday till 12 noon on Saturday at ballot boxes at Wellington's libraries or at the City Council HQ at 101 Wakefield Street.
Mr Bly reports that registered voters in the Onslow-Western Ward have been most diligent – returning 32.38% of voting papers, followed in descending order by voters in the Northern, Eastern and Southern wards.
Central-city voters in the Lambton Ward have performed worst – returning only 27.46% of papers.
The STV vs FPP vote-off allows Wellingtonians to have their say on which voting system will be used in the next two Wellington City Council elections. The result of the poll will be binding on the City Council.
Electors can choose between the single transferable vote (STV) and first past the post (FPP) electoral systems.
Mr Bly says: "In a nutshell, STV is where you rank candidates in your order of preference – 1, 2, 3 and so on. FPP is where you place a tick beside your preferred candidates."
Voting papers have to be with Mr Bly by 12 noon on Saturday 27 September.
Mr Bly says the result of the postal poll will determine which electoral system will be used in at least the 2010 and 2013 Council elections to elect the Mayor, Councillors and community board members.
People who have enrolled on the Council's electoral roll since
8 August, or who have lost or misplaced their voting papers, can apply to the Electoral Officer for a special vote.
The poll is completely unrelated to the General Election being held on 8 November.
For further information on the poll and the two electoral systems visit the Council's website or call the Council on (04) 499 4444.
Related Links
Elections - Electoral System Poll
Wellington Libraries