Council considers growth report
A report concerning a number of Hamilton's key growth issues was considered at an extraordinary Meeting of Council on 26 September. The issues are expected to form the strategic direction for the proposed Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy (HUGS) when public consultation commences in 2 weeks time.
Investigations into the direction future growth will take in Hamilton focuses on three areas which will form the foundation of HUGS:
How land can be more efficiently used for residential development within existing areas of the city and new growth cells,
The unique opportunity for employment and industry growth leveraged off an enlarged innovation precinct in Ruakura
The relative priority of the long-term (from 2023) residential growth cells of Rotokauri and Peacocke.
Hamilton mayor Bob Simcock says "Friday's meeting was a valuable opportunity for Council to consider an issue which is key to Hamilton's residential growth – the prioritisation of the next major residential growth cell.
"It is important to remember that Council has already committed to stage 1 development in both the Rotokauri and Peacocke cells. This development is set to commence in the next few years with approximately 900 dwellings planned for Rotokauri and approximately 500 dwellings planned for Peacocke."
On Friday Council met to consider the strategy for long-term development, specifically which cell Council will commit to developing first in the period commencing 2023. The second option would be developed subsequently depending on demand. Given current growth projections, this is likely to be approximately 15 years later.
Mayor Simcock says "After healthy debate, Peacocke was identified as Council's preferred option. This development scenario will be incorporated into HUGS and tested by a robust public consultation process. Rather than a choice between one or the other, it is important to remember the decision is which growth cell will be developed first and which second. In this way Council will be able to most efficiently focus its efforts to deliver the best outcome for the city's future. Any decision will also be integrated with the FutureProof process."
In the past, growth planning has been primarily driven by cost. This decision has signaled a shift in thinking from focusing purely on cost to the overall value delivered to the city and a more holistic way of prioritising.
The process for a month long period of public consultation on HUGS will commence with the release of the proposed HUGS strategy on 13th October 2008..