Residents need to know where are the cell tower sites?

Green Party

Tuesday 30 September 2008, 11:00AM

By Green Party


Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is calling on Telecom, Vodafone and NZ Communications to publicly release a list of thousands of proposed sites for new cell phone towers, to inform local residents before they are built.

“Telecommunications companies want to erect thousands of new cell towers in the coming year and it is important they are open and honest about the location of these towers, rather than sneaking them into communities by stealth.” Ms Kedgley says.

“Telecom has recently confirmed to a Parliamentary select committee that it proposes to erect 300 new cell towers in the coming year. A new entrant, NZ Communications, has indicated it will erect a further 1300 new cell sites. Vodafone also has plans for new towers as it rolls out its new 3G network.

“Communities have a right to know where all these cell towers are to be erected ahead of time.”

“It would be easy for the three teleco companies to list proposed sites on their websites, and they should do so as soon as possible,” Ms Kedgley says.

“Without transparent information on proposed cell tower sites, residents risk waking up to find a tower being erected anywhere in their neighbourhood without their knowledge or consent.”