Scrap Metal Thefts Take Dangerous Turn

Franklin District Council

Wednesday 1 October 2008, 6:27PM

By Franklin District Council



The latest development in the scrap metal thefts throughout Franklin could see you falling down a hole, or worse, and Franklin District Council is warning everyone to take care.

Over the last two months approximately a dozen manhole covers and cesspit grates have been stolen leaving dangerous gaping holes in the road. Franklin District Council is replacing the covers and grates as fast as they find them; however with over 1,600km of roading network in Franklin the risk of an accident due to the thefts is high.

“So far the thefts have been confined to urban areas, which has made it easier to deal with. However, Council is asking everyone to keep an eye out and report any missing grates or covers to us immediately on 09 237 1300,” says Franklin District Council’s Land Transport Manager, Dawn Inglis.

Franklin District Council has also noticed covers in the footpaths (for example Fire Hydrant covers) missing and is pleading with residents to keep alert to the danger a missing cover or grate would cause.

“If a cyclist’s wheel, car tyre or pedestrian’s foot ends up in one of these holes it would result in serious and dangerous falls and expensive damage to the bike or car. Please be aware of the danger this mindless theft could pose,” says Dawn.

Franklin District Council has reported the concerning incidents to the Police who believe it may be connected to metal thefts throughout the District. If you see anyone acting suspiciously near a manhole or cesspit please call 111 immediately.