Victoria Street traffic calming trial to begin
Preparation for another stage of the CityHeart revitalisation is about to get underway with the traffic calming trial on Victoria Street. The purpose of the trial is to assess options that will achieve a safer environment for pedestrians and to encourage traffic that is simply passing though, to take alternative routes.
The trial period will run for three months (October to December) and includes the reduction of traffic lanes to one each way and a 30kph speed limit zone.
The objective of any permanent change will be for Victoria Street to become more people friendly and traffic calmed and for pedestrians and public transport to take priority. This in turn will provide for increased sidewalk space, creating a safer environment for city visitors and provide a canvas for more vibrant dining and retail experiences.
Hamilton’s CityHeart project is Council’s response to the development of the city centre, creating city spaces that we all want to share, supporting a thriving commercial and cultural centre reflecting our unique identity. It is driven by a need to deliver connectivity and cohesiveness in the central city's future development.
The following is a summary of impending works and happenings.
6 October
Victoria Street (southbound) at Collingwood intersection: a trench will be dug for the laying of a cable for the new traffic signal
It is expected this will take two days to complete
Victoria Street southbound traffic will be diverted around the traffic island; this will cause some minor traffic delays
Signage will be in place warning southbound traffic.
8/9 October
The new traffic light will be installed to control Victoria Street southbound traffic movements
Water-filled barriers will be put in place – as shown on the attached map
Marlborough Place will be accessible by the southbound lane of Victoria Street only, i.e., no right turn when entering or exiting Marlborough Place
30kph speed limit on Victoria Street between Collingwood and Hood streets will be in place for the trial period
The 30kph zone applies to north and southbound traffic on Victoria Street
The trial period will be operative for three months.