Council Consults On Draft Fire Bylaw

Waitaki District Council

Friday 3 October 2008, 11:42AM

By Waitaki District Council



Waitaki District Council is consulting on a draft bylaw which will control outdoor fires in towns throughout the District until 11 November 2008.


The current fire bylaw controls outdoor fires in Oamaru, Palmerston, Weston, Duntroon, Kurow, Otematata and Omarama. Council is proposing that the bylaw will also apply in smaller towns throughout the District.


The other main change proposed to the existing bylaw is to require that for outdoor burning to be carried out within settlements in the Waitaki District there must be at be at least 50 metres from the fire to the closest part of the property boundary for residential properties, and 100 metres from a fire to the closest part of the property boundary for a non-residential property.


This requirement is consistent with Otago Regional Council (ORC) Air Plan rules. Both ORC and Environment Canterbury already place severe restrictions on outdoor burning in the larger towns in the District. The cost of attending rubbish fires in the Waitaki District is also significant and these fires can pose a danger to people and property, and be a nuisance to neighbours.


The revised Bylaw also includes some additional measures aimed at fire prevention, for example requiring that a responsible person will be in attendance and supervise an outdoor fire. These rules would apply throughout the District.


Council is required to review its existing fire bylaw under the Local Government Act 2002.


Council welcomes submissions on the changes proposed in the draft bylaw. Submissions to the bylaw close on Tuesday 11th November 2008.


A copy of the full draft bylaw and a summary are available from the following places:

· The Waitaki District Council Offices in Oamaru and Waihemo

· The Oamaru public library and libraries at Kurow, Hampden, Otematata and Omarama

· The Council website,


A copy of the bylaw and summary may also be obtained by phoning the Council offices on 03 433 0300 or emailing: