Green Party Campaign Launch

Green Party

Sunday 5 October 2008, 2:43PM

By Green Party


Keynote speeches by Green Party Co-leaders

The Green Party launch their election campaign at Te Papa, in Wellington today, Sunday, at 1.30pm; with keynote speeches by Co-leaders Dr Russel Norman and Jeanette Fitzsimons.

Robyn Malcolm showed her sincere support for the Green Party by being the MC of the event and told Green Party supporters why she was supporting the Greens. Robyn Malcolm also ‘voices’ the 2008 Green Party television commercials. These new television commercials, which bring the acclaimed billboard campaign to life, were launched at the event today.

Jeanette Fitzsimons, Green Party Co-leader, opened her keynote address by challenging us to make a decision at this election by looking through the eyes of a child - of all our children. Aila, who features in the Green Party advertising campaign, represents all our children.

“Aila looks out at us from the wharf with the ocean behind her, with an honesty, a directness, a challenge that you don’t often get from adults. She’s not saying, ‘Who’s going to give me the biggest tax cut?’ She’s saying, ‘Who’s going to look after our future?’” said Jeanette.

Jeanette talked about the significant achievements of the Green Party over the last 12 years of being in Parliament and how much more they could achieve. In the last 3 year term alone, 100% of the five non-government private members’ bills passed through Parliament were Green bills.

“Six MPs, 5% of Parliament, and 100% of the non-government bills passed,” said Jeanette Fitzsimons. “New Zealand is a better place because of Green legislation. There’s no doubt that 12 Green MPs – ten even – would change any government. Even with six, we already have, without even being part of Government. We are ready to play a role around the Cabinet Table if we are asked, and if we are offered a policy agreement that meets the present and future needs of our children.”

Jeanette acknowledged the desire for change within the voting public.

“Why would you change from grey to grey, from Mother Coke to Father Pepsi? The change we need is Green. Neither of these two ‘grey’ parties have a plan to address the critical issues of our time; of climate change and rising oil prices, of food safety and preventative health.”



Jeanette highlighted the worldwide movement towards green thinking and green action.

“Individual action can go a long way, but we also need to act collectively, if we want our country to prepare for a future that will not be like the past. If you are thinking green and acting green, now is the time to vote Green,” said Jeanette Fitzsimmons.

Dr Russel Norman, Green Party Co-leader, opened his keynote address by saying that the real question we need to ask at this election is; who will be the voice for those who have no voice.

“Who will be the voice for children? 900,000 children and young people, who can’t vote at this election, but who have a deep interest in the future of this country and this planet. The Green Party will be the voice for those who will inherit the earth,” said Dr Norman

Russel provided examples of the many times when, within Parliament, it is only the Green Party who has the courage to speak the truth.

“If you can’t trust Labour and National to go public about poisoned baby milk then what on earth can you trust them on. Surely staying quiet about poisoned baby milk is some kind of moral boundary, which we would never expect a New Zealand government to cross, and then they did. It is the Green Party who has the courage to stand up and to speak out,” said Dr Norman.

Russel asked who will be the voice for the heart and soul of Aotearoa New Zealand?

“There are plenty of voices in Parliament for the greedy of this country. We have a Parliament full of wallets, a Parliament full of stock options, a Parliament full of politicians with investment properties; a Parliament which gives voice day in and day out to the interests of the developer, the polluter, the speculator. But who will be the voice in Parliament for the land of this country, the people of this country, and for the very earth itself? The Green Party,” said Dr Norman.

Russel finished his keynote address by challenging New Zealanders to not waste their vote on the old grey parties and to not vote for the past, but instead to vote for a strong green voice in parliament, to vote for the future.

“We are a nation led by politicians who are racing towards a future that they cannot see or understand because they have their faces turned towards the past. Every year they run faster, using more resources, producing more pollution, running ever faster, while looking where they have been, instead of where they are going. The Greens will face up to the future and won’t live in the past.

In Aotearoa New Zealand we are blessed with a fantastic natural environment. It is the foundation of our economy; we must treasure it and look after it. And in Aotearoa New Zealand we are a fantastic people. We have potential for greatness,” said Dr Norman.