Valid Hauraki islands amalgamation petition received by TCDC
Thames-Coromandel District Council has received a valid petition seeking to have the Hauraki Gulf islands (except for Rangitoto Island and Browns Island) made part of its district.
The proposal provides for two community boards based around Waiheke and Great Barrier Islands.
The two Hauraki Gulf islands are currently part of Auckland City and any change will also see regional jurisdiction switch from Auckland Regional Council to Environment Waikato.
TCDC Group Manager Support Services Pam Howat says a decision needs to be made within 60 days of receiving the proposal so a report will be presented to Council’s November meeting seeking direction.
In the meantime, she will be consulting with the other affected councils on how to deal with the petition.
The options are:
A joint committee of the affected local authorities;
One of the affected local authorities, appointed as the appointed local authority, or
Referring the matters to the Local Government Commission for consideration.