Hide Slams Key's Economic Policy

Wednesday 8 October 2008, 3:02PM

By Rodney Hide


ACT Leader Rodney Hide today said that National Leader John Key had confirmed that a vote for National is a vote to dump Prime Minister Helen Clark, but to stick with Dr Michael Cullen's economic policy.

"John Key has failed today to provide any economic leadership or direction to the country at a time of world financial turmoil. He has fiddled while the economy burns," Mr Hide said.

"John Key's lack of any plan, vision or leadership verges on the irresponsible. He has chosen to cynically chase votes and not address the core issues of Dr Cullen's profligate spending and Labour's strangling red tape.

"What is needed is a recovery package that includes capping government expenditure, slashing red tape, and an immediate abolition of Cullen's 39 cent envy tax.

"I can see now why John Key doesn't want Sir Roger Douglas in his Cabinet. The man he sees eye-to-eye with is Michael Cullen.

"A Party vote for ACT will dump Helen Clark AND dump Cullen's irresponsible economic policy. A Party vote for ACT and only ACT will see Cullen's 39 cent envy tax gone by Christmas," Mr Hide said.