Is the Federal Reserve Engaged in Acts of Economic Warfare Against the World?

Roberto Jelash

Thursday 9 October 2008, 2:22PM

By Roberto Jelash


Is the Federal Reserve Engaged in Acts of Economic Warfare Against the World?

Mike Adams
Natural News
October 8, 2008

In 1942, German intelligence officers rounded up skilled Jewish prisoners and launched Operation Bernhardt, a clever scheme designed to counterfeit hundreds of millions of dollars worth of British Pounds and destroy the British economy by flooding it with counterfeit money. Located in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Operation Bernhardt was, even by modern standards, a runaway success that resulted in the creation of forged bank notes worth 132 million British Pounds.

This “economic warfare” operation resulted in a devastating economic effect on the British economy. You can read the true history of this operation here:…

It is important to note that Operation Bernhardt was an act of war, specifically pursued for the purpose of destroying Britain’s economy by creating so much new money that the value of the money already in circulation would plummet. This was considered a strategic attack, just as effective as carpet-bombing tank factories or mowing down soldiers on the field with German-made MG42 machine guns.

What does all this have to do with the Federal Reserve?

Today, the Federal Reserve is engaged in an eerily similar operation, counterfeiting trillions of dollars in U.S. bank notes and flooding the U.S. money supply with money created from nothing. The result, of course, is the same as was intended by Operation Bernhardt in 1942: The economic destruction of the target nation. Only this time, the target is the United States of America.

Hilariously, the Fed claims it’s doing this to save the economy. Yet the laws of economics tell us that flooding the money supply with trillions of dollars in new money actually harms the economy. And the Fed has been hard at work causing this harm: $250+ billion two weeks ago, $600+ billion last week and $900 billion earlier this week! It’s beginning to crank up the printing presses to the tune of a trillion dollars a week, and by doing so, it’s contributing to the destruction of the U.S. economy at a pace the Third Reich could have barely imagined.

Has the Fed declared war on the working class?
If the actions pursued by the Federal Reserve were being masterminded by Al-Qaeda, they would be denounced as acts of war. In World War II, such actions were deliberate acts of war. Targeting the economy for destruction by flooding the money supply with counterfeit currency is, by any measure, a threat to any nation.

So why is the Federal Reserve engaged in actions that, if committed by other nations, would warrant a military response? This is not an idle question. I’m not asking this in a satirical way. I’m quite serious about this: Why is the Fed committing acts of economic warfare against the United States of America? (The Fed, by the way, is a private company. It is not, as you’ve been led to believe, part of the U.S. government.)

The answer is obvious. You’ve probably already figured it out: The Federal Reserve is at war with America. It’s an economic war, of course, not a bombs-and-bullets war. The casualties, though, are just as real: Savings accounts, retirement funds, bank accounts, jobs, businesses, pensions and much more.

By counterfeiting trillions of dollars like a Sachsenhausen operation on steroids, the Fed is carpet-bombing the U.S. economy with an unprecedented flood of fiat currency, causing the exact same economic destruction intended by the Nazis in World War II (but on a much more devastating scale). And it’s doing this as part of a new economic war.