Gorge road project set to start again

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Saturday 11 October 2008, 12:49PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The next stage of the Gorge Road upgrade is set to start again from Monday, Queenstown Lakes District Council Utilities Committee Chairman Councillor John Mann said.

“We had flagged a September start to the second stage but obviously inclement and wet conditions have been a factor,” Mr Mann said.

The project would effectively continue works commenced prior to winter. The second stage was three times the length of stage one.

“This next stage will extend the upgrade for another 1.2 km and will feature the completion of another section of walk and cycleway on what will eventually be a main arterial recreation route from Queenstown to Arrowtown,” Mr Mann said.

Stage two would involve reducing traffic to one lane until completion scheduled before Christmas.

“Obviously we will not continue to work through the peak period and work won’t commence again on the completion of topsoil, grassing and fencing until after New Year,” Mr Mann said.

He recommended where possible people considered utilising an alternative route if at all practical.

“We will try and minimise the disruption but clearly there will be stop and go on this section of road,” Mr Mann said.

The final two stages of work, scheduled over the next two-years, were still in the design stage but would extend through to the Edith Cavell bridge (Shotover Jet). The extension of the walkway and cycleway is proposed to be included in these stages.

“The outcome would be an outstanding public amenity,’ Mr Mann said.