Environmental concerns, society and consumer issues highlights in first solo art exhibition

Word of Mouth Media NZ

Wednesday 15 October 2008, 10:33AM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ



A south Auckland artist’s inaugural solo art exhibition in Tuakau next month will highlight environmental concerns and comment on the fast-paced consumerist attitude of NZ society today.

Helen Parsons will stage a month -long major solo exhibition at the Blue Orange Gallery in Tuakau with a special opening night on November 1.

Social messages such as health, values, addiction, population increase, empathy and apathy are alluded to in her paintings.

Some of the works will look at issues such as tagging, endangered native species, obesity, alcoholism, high fuel and dairy prices, virtual realities and the threat to the Plunket system.

Parsons, a Clark’s Beach mum, says Plunket is an invaluable organisation that offers help to NZ mothers. ``Like the precious kiwi, it needs to be looked after if it is to survive’’.

``Another of my works points to the fact we can’t have a beer or wine on the beach or in public places.’’

Parsons is one of the rising stars in New Zealand art and has had some experiences in life that have given her a passion for her art. She still paints today at the family kitchen table.