Green Party focus on democracy, education and justice for Maori

Green Party

Friday 17 October 2008, 9:24AM

By Green Party


Protecting the role of Mori in our democracy underpins the Green Party Mori Issues policy released today.

Other key policy platforms include better funding for tikanga Mori education, and improving outcomes for Mori in the legal system.

“At a time when the Mori voice in Parliament is threatened by National for political purposes, the Green Party says we must entrench the seats, and give them the same status as the general seats,” Green Party Mori Issues Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.

Currently Mori representation in Parliament can be repealed by a simple majority, while for the general seats 75% is required. Metiria Turei has a members bill ready to go into the ballot that would reverse this inequity.

The Green Party would increase support for tikanga Mori education, and would promote the teaching of te reo and tikanga Mori in all schools.

“Education is the key to eliminating poverty, and is an investment in our future economic development.

“The changes that are expected in New Zealand population demographics over the next 20-50 years will see an overall aging population, but with a greater proportion of young Mori. Mori will exercise increasing authority over that time, and we need to prepare our young people for those opportunities.”

“We need to focus on building our education system now, to ensure all our children access their right to learn their tikanga and reo, for free, as enshrined in te Tiriti o Waitangi. Having to pay exorbitant tertiary fees to learn the Reo is a disgrace. ”

We would build participation at köhanga reo and kura kaupapa Mori, and increase funding for te reo teacher training.”

The Green Party acknowledges and supports the effort within the Mori community to develop models of Mori justice processes.

In 2006, Mori men made up 50% of the male prison population, while Mori women made up 52% of the female prison population.

“The legal and prison systems fail Mori. A new justice model that is focussed on rehabilitation and restoration for victims is desperately needed,” Metiria Turei says.

“Marae justice and a justice system based on tikanga Mori would play a role in this new justice model.”

“Our funding of $50m for insulating all state homes and the $1billion for the Green Homes Fund will benefit whanau who are trapped in sub standard private housing or who are dependent on state homes. This is a key initiative to combat childhood illnesses, save money and keep our whanau warm and healthy.”

Follow link to the Maori Policy Summary: