Uni teenager to walk 2200km Cape to Bluff for CF illness research

Word of Mouth Media NZ

Friday 17 October 2008, 12:06PM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ


A Wellington university student is set to become of the youngest Kiwis to walk the length of New Zealand – to raise awareness and research funds for cystic fibrosis.

Emma Daken begins her 70-day 2200km walk from the Cape to the Bluff on November 1. She is scheduled to arrive in Bluff on January 9.

Daken has given up all her Victoria University holiday break so she can complete the arduous walk - which will be like walking a marathon most days.

``Fifty km is the most I have to walk in a day. I have a few shorter days, but I am definitely up for the challenge. I also have 'rest days' so if need be, I can make up ground on those days,’’ Daken said today.

``It was difficult to decrease the distance, as I have uni and other commitments to be back for, and the cost alone - so decreasing the distance, and extending the time on the road was not an option.’’

Jucy Rentals is sponsoring Daken to walk the length of New Zealand to help raise money towards research to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. Jucy chief executive Tim Alpe said they had no hesitation in offering Emma and her support crew a campa vehicle and a car for the whole 70 day journey.

Daken is in her second year of study at Victoria. Her inspiration for selecting the charity was based on her personal experience with the cystic fibrosis (CF) illness.

``A very close friend of mine suffers from this genetic condition, and through my friendship with her, I have been given first-hand experience of what it means to live with cystic fibrosis. My driver Paul) on the walk also has CF.’’

Emma will be visiting many of NZ's large and small towns on her walk and she hopes to get a lot of local support for her campaign.

She has created a fundraising page - so the public can follow her walk.

Cystic fibrosis occurs in peoples of Caucasian origin, but it is rare in Africans, Asians and Polynesians. In New Zealand, it is estimated about 1 in 25 of the Caucasian population will be a carrier of the abnormal gene, and therefore about 1 in 625 marriages will be between two CF carriers. Of all births in New Zealand, about 1 in 3500 babies born have cystic fibrosis. Currently there are more than 400 children and adults with CF in New Zealand.

Recurrent respiratory infections and pancreatic insufficiency are the major clinical concerns of the condition.


Note: Victoria University declined Emma’s application to sit an exam a few days early. She appealed the decision and took the case to the Vice Chancellor, who also declined her application. Emma will sit her final exam on October 31, finishing at 6pm. She will then catch a 7.30pm flight to Auckland, and another plane to Whangarei arriving 9.30pm. Then set off on nearly a four hour drive to Cape Reinga, arriving by 2am, for a 6am scheduled start.

Media release: For further information contact Tim Alpe at Jucy Rentals on 09 374 4360 or 021406422 or Emma Daken on or on facebook or Kip Brook at Word of Mouth Media NZ 03 374 5426 or 0275 033855

Emma Daken’s November 1 – January 9 cystic fibrosis walk itinerary:

Date Distance. Accommodation.

Saturday November 1st Cape Reinga – Te Kao. 44.5km

Sunday November 2nd Te Kao – Waiharara. 43.3km

Monday November 3rd Waiharara – Mangataiore. 40.7km

Tuesday November 4th Mangataiore – Okaihau. 48.7km

Wednesday November 5th Okaihau – Towai. 49.9km

Thursday November 6th REST DAY REST DAY

Friday November 7th Towai – Puwera. 51.3km

Saturday November 8th Puwera – Brynderwyn. 48.8km

Sunday November 9th REST DAY REST DAY

Monday November 10th Brynderwyn – Pohuehue. 54.2km

Tuesday November 11th Pohuehue – Northcote. 48.2km Auckland.

Wednesday November 12th Northcote – Papakura. 49.5km Auckland.

Thursday November 13th REST DAY REST DAY Auckland.

Fri Nov 14 = Papakura - Kopuku Road (41.6km) Sat nov 15 = Kopuku Road - ohinewai(47.9km).

Sunday 16 = REST DAY.

Monday nov 17 = ohinewai – Newstead, Hamilton (52.0km).

Tuesday November 18th Hamilton / Newstead – Piarere Intersection, south of Karipiro), 48.7km Hamilton.

Wednesday November 19th Piarere Intersection, south of Karipiro) – Ngongotaha. 48.9km Rotorua.

Thursday November 20th REST DAY REST DAY Rotorua.

Friday November 21st Ngongotaha – Golden Springs. 50.3km Rotorua.

Saturday November 22nd Golden Springs – Taupo. 40.0km Taupo.

Sunday November 23rd REST DAY REST DAY Taupo.

Monday November 24th Taupo – Rangitaiki. 33.5km Taupo.

Tuesday November 25th Rangitaiki – Te Haroto. 43.1km Taupo.

Wednesday November 26th Te Haroto – Eskdale. 44.3km

Thursday November 27th REST DAY REST DAY

Friday November 28th Eskdale – Hastings. 37.6km

Saturday November 29h Hastings – Waipawa. 42.3km

Sunday November 30th REST DAY REST DAY

Monday December 1st Waipawa – Norsewood. 40.9km

Tuesday December 2nd Norsewood – Woodville. 47.3km Palmerston North.

Wednesday December 3rd Woodville – Bainesse. 48.9km Palmerston North.

Thursday December 4th REST DAY REST DAY Palmerston North.

Friday December 5th Bainesse – Kuku. 42.8km Foxton / Levin.

Saturday December 6th Kuku – Paekakariki. 43.8km Wellington (Home).

Sunday December 7th REST DAY REST DAY Wellington (Home).

Monday December 8th Paekakariki – Wellington. 41.8km Picton.

Tuesday December 9th Picton – Riverlands. 33km

Wednesday December 10th Riverlands – Mizra. 44.7km

Thursday December 11th REST DAY REST DAY

Friday December 12th Mizra – Clarence. 39.0km

Saturday December 13th Clarence – Kaikoura. 41.9km

Sunday December 14th REST DAY REST DAY

Monday December 15th Kaikoura – Glen Colwyn. 40.4km

Tuesday December 16th Glen Colwyn – Tormore. 42.9km

Wednesday December 17th Tormore – Amberly. 49.9km Christchurch.

Thursday December 18th REST DAY REST DAY Christchurch.

Friday December 19th Amberly – Christchurch. 50+ km Christchurch.

Saturday December 20th Christchurch – Dunsandel. 48.1km Christchurch.

Sunday December 21st REST DAY REST DAY Christchurch.

Monday December 22nd Dunsandel – Ashburton. 46.0km Ashburton.

Tuesday December 23rd Ashburton – Orari. 46.7km Ashburton.

Wednesday December 24th Orari – Pareora. 41.6km Timaru.

Thursday December 25th (CHRISTMAS DAY). REST DAY REST DAY Timaru.

Friday December 26th


Saturday December 27th Pareora – Glenavy. 51.6km. Oamaru.

Sunday December 28th Glenavy – Herbert. 44.8km. Oamaru.

Monday December 29th Herbert – Goodwood. 44.2km Palmerston.

Tuesday December 30th Goodwood – Dunedin. 50+ km. Dunedin.

Wednesday December 31st


Thursday January 1st


Friday January 2nd Dunedin – Clarendon. 46.1km Dunedin.

Saturday January 3rd Clarendon – Balclutha. 34km

Sunday January 4th REST DAY REST DAY

Monday January 5th Balclutha – Waipahi. 45.2km

Tuesday January 6th Waipahi – Brydon. 46.8km Invercargill.

Wednesday January 7th Brydon – Invercargill. 44.3km. Invercargill.

Thursday January 8th REST DAY REST DAY Invercargill.

Friday January 9th Invercargill – Bluff.

(FINISH). 28.1km Invercargill.

Saturday January 10th REST DAY

(Drive to Dunedin). REST DAY Dunedin.

Sunday January 11th REST DAY REST DAY Dunedin.

Monday January 12th FLY HOME. FLY HOME. Wellington.