Greens outline approach for post-election talks

Green Party

Monday 20 October 2008, 7:23PM

By Green Party


The Green Party has evaluated the policies, programmes and public statements of the two old parties according to the 12 criteria announced a week ago.

“The Green Party is a strong and independent voice for people and the environment in New Zealand. We don’t exist to prop up anyone else’s Government,” Co-Leader Russel Norman says.

“We have looked at the policies, programmes and public statements of both National and Labour. We measured whether their plans would have no effect, or whether they would take New Zealand in the right or wrong direction.

“We found that they are closer to each other than either is to us, and neither of them aligns closely with our own ideals for a fairer and more sustainable New Zealand.

“There are individual policies where we agree with the National Party, for example they helped us stop a law that would take away control of dietary supplements and they want to see more of the NZ Super Fund invested in New Zealand.

Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says: “However our analysis showed us that on the whole National would take New Zealand in the wrong direction, in fact, many policies headed off down a dead end street. This means that we can not form a Government with National, or support them on confidence and supply, although we could work with them in areas where we have common ground.

“Labour also seems to be heading off in the wrong direction in some areas, while in others they are on the right track. Whether we could form a Government with them would depend on reaching a policy agreement that advanced green policies on a number of fronts.

“Depending on the outcome of the election, the Greens would prefer to work with Labour to form a Government, as their policies are more closely aligned with our own. But, no matter who forms the Government we will look for areas of common ground where we can work together.

“What this analysis has confirmed for us is that if New Zealanders want a voice for our land, water and climate; for fairness, and for our children’s future, then it is vital to have more Green MPs in Parliament.”
Note: a copy of the detailed analysis is attached. A high resolution graph of the results can be downloaded from the Green Party website at this address: