Reptiles stolen from Hamilton Zoo
The Hamilton Zoo reptile house was broken into last Friday night [17 October] at some stage between 5.30pm and 8am the following morning.
Thieves cut through three sets of chained and padlocked doors to gain access and removed a pair of bearded dragons and a pair of Madagascan day geckos.
MAF were immediately advised as the Madagascan day geckos are listed on the MAFBNZ containment list for Zoo species. This means it is illegal for any person to house or purchase this animal outside of a Zoo.
Police attended the scene and are continuing investigations. Port and customs have also been alerted.
Zoo director Stephen Standley says that the break-in is a terrible blow to the Zoo.
"We are all just devastated. But it is Kara Goddard, our reptile keeper who has just put so much time and effort into upgrading the reptile exhibits who is most affected.
“As the Madagascan day geckos are listed on the MAFBNZ containment list, they are not available to the general public as pets. Anyone being offered this species should immediately report it to the police."
The reptile enclosure has been secured following the break-in and further changes are planned for the building to increase the security.