Nat MP's slip reveals secret road-building agenda

Green Party

Thursday 23 October 2008, 6:48PM

By Green Party


National’s secret road building agenda has been revealed by loose-lipped MP Maurice Williamson.
According to the Upper Hutt Leader, Mr Williamson has let slip that National plans to exempt ‘roads of national significance’ from the Resource Management Act, although taking into account environmental issues, leaving New Zealanders powerless to speak out, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.

“If National gets its hands on the country, New Zealanders can look forward to a road-building frenzy. Without the protection of the RMA, communities will get no say about what gets bulldozed for a ‘road of national significance’.

“Under this policy, New Zealanders could well wake up one day to find that a National Party pet motorway has been built over their back fence, or right next to their children’s school.

“National’s true colour has been revealed and that colour is tarmac grey. This kind of 1950s thinking will have drastic implications for New Zealand. With the end of cheap oil in sight we should be taking steps to ensure that New Zealand is prepared with efficient and affordable buses and trains, so that the choice to leave the car at home is painless.

“The RMA is New Zealand’s only real planning legislation that ensures that people have the opportunity to have a say in whether planned developments are beneficial or not.

“National has made no secret of its contempt for public involvement in decision-making. With Maurice letting this cat out of the bag, I can’t help but worry about what else National considers should be exempt from the Act. Should we be concerned that a coal-fired power station might spring up in our backyard? Or that we’ll find a housing development where our favourite picnic spot used to be?”