Cape Reinga to the Bluff charity walk by teenager begins on saturday morning

Word of Mouth Media NZ

Thursday 30 October 2008, 10:11AM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ



Wellington teenager Emma Daken sets off from Cape Reinga early Saturday morning to begin a journey which may set a record as the youngest Kiwi to walk the length of NZ – for cystic fibrosis. Emma is a Wellington university student and her 70-day 2200km walk from the Cape to the Bluff is expected to finish on January 9. Jucy Rentals is sponsoring Emma. She has created a fundraising page - so you can follow her walk progress.

Victoria University declined Emma’s application to sit an exam a few days early. She appealed the decision and took the case to the Vice Chancellor, who also declined her application. Emma will sit her final exam tomorrow, finishing at 6pm. She will then catch a 7.30pm flight to Auckland, and another plane to Whangarei arriving 9.30pm. Then set off on nearly a four hour drive to Cape Reinga, arriving by 2am, for a 6am scheduled start Saturday morning.



Tim Alpe at Jucy Rentals on 09 374 4360 or 021406422

Emma Daken on 027 464 33 49 or or on facebook