Council agrees to implement Variation 6

Waikato Regional Council

Friday 31 October 2008, 6:46AM

By Waikato Regional Council



Environment Waikato’s council has today accepted the recommendation of a hearings committee to publicly notify the proposed Variation 6 policy change covering the way water is used in the region.

Formal public notification will allow a period for legal appeals before the policy change is implemented.

Variation 6 to the Waikato Regional Plan is designed to proactively future proof the water allocation system in the region, and allow for more efficient and equitable distribution of water use rights.

The hearings committee’s recommendation asked council to agree to public notification of Variation 6 with a range of amendments set out in the report of the committee.

The amendments recommended by the committee – while significant in some cases - do not fundamentally alter the original Variation 6 document’s proposals.

Variation 6 aims to introduce new ways of prioritising the use of water in the Waikato region so as to best protect the needs of people and stock, as well as the region’s nationally important renewable electricity sector during periods of low water flow.

“The background to Variation 6 is that demand for surface and ground water has grown substantially in the Waikato in recent years to the point where every day the region consumes about two million cubic metres of surface water – 10 times more than 20 years ago,” said the council’s policy committee chair Paula Southgate.

“Leaving sufficient water flow naturally is considered necessary to ensure that natural systems, such as the Waikato River, remain healthy and continue to provide many services and amenities such as electricity generation, fisheries, clean water for swimming and boating facilities.”

In some catchments, consents to take water are considered to have reached the maximum amount consistent with maintaining healthy waterways and leaving enough water for the reasonable use of others.

Drinking water supplies and agriculture each use about a third of the water take in the region. Industry uses 27 per cent, horticulture six per cent and recreation activities (such as pools and golf courses) use about two per cent.

“The recent growth in demand has been driven by rising urban and industrial use – as populations and businesses have grown – and by an expanding dairy sector,” said Cr Southgate.

“The current first in, first served system used to grant water take consents was no longer workable given the need to prioritise supplying water for people, urban centres, businesses and stock drinking water, as well as meet Government requirements to support renewable energy generation.

“Now, Under Variation 6, the first in, first served approach would be retained only after domestic and municipal supply requirements are met and there is enough water for other ‘in stream’ uses such as existing electricity generation.”

Water use consents in each catchment would expire at the same time under Variation 6 rather than a whole range of times, as happens at present. Allocations would thereafter be made for 15 year periods and water take consents would be transferable to someone undertaking similar activities in the same area.

“This system will allow Environment Waikato to better manage the way water use is affecting water quality and the physical character of our waterways in each catchment. The risk of not shifting to the new system is that the environment may suffer and that not enough water will be available to meet the priority needs of people during a period of rapid regional growth,” Cr Southgate said.

In line with central Government wishes, the proposed new rules give water use priority to electricity generation over other non domestic or municipal users, such as agriculture, in certain circumstances. But Environment Waikato is acutely aware of how important these other sectors are to the region.

The council is confident that the proposed changes provide adequate security for existing water take consent holders and will not adversely impact on their operations. However, it is acknowledged that the easily available water is being used and the increasing demand for water in the region will lead to increased competition and costs for those seeking new water take consents.

The council is committed to working very closely with all interested parties – including Waikato-Tainui and other iwi - on managing the way water use impacts on the health of our waterways.

Noting iwi requests for specific water allocations to them, Cr Southgate said Environment Waikato felt this is a matter for iwi and the Crown to address as part of the Treaty of Waitangi settlement process.

The council already has many of the powers outlined in Variation 6. But the new rules make these clearer and set out explicitly how council intends they will work. It is felt that should provide greater operational clarity for everyone, Cr Southgate said.

A limited number of copies of the full recommendation are available for inspection at EW’s offices in Hamilton, Paeroa, Whitianga and Taupo.

It is due to be available online on 15 November once the hearing committee’s recommendation is formally publicly notified.