Turning out in Style to lift the Turnout

Maori Party

Tuesday 4 November 2008, 10:14AM

By Maori Party



The Maori Party is taking its message to the streets of the
capital today, in a bold move to lift turnout in the Maori

“Voter turnout is a huge issue for the Maori
electorates” said Hone Harawira.

The average turnout across the Maori electorates in 2005 was
67.07% compared to a general electorate average of 82.01%.

“In fact even the highest turnout amongst Maori
electorates, my own electorate of Te Tai Tokerau (69.7%) was
still lower than the lowest general electorate (Mangere on
72.89%)” said Harawira.

“So this election, we have made a real point of being
visible – flying the flag of democracy in Murupara,
Flaxmere, Otautahi, Otaki” said Rahui Katene, candidate
for Te Tai Tonga.

"You might have seen us - we've been on street corners,
standing on busy intersections, flying our flags, and
hopefully prompting the people to think....what on earth are
they doing that for?"

"With only four full days left until New Zealanders goes to
the polls, strong measures are required" said Harawira.

“So today, we’re taking on three electorates – Te Tai
Hauauru, Te Tai Tonga and Ikaroa Rawhiti – to fly our
flags on a ka-koi (car convoy) through the streets” said
Mrs Katene.

“We’re also hoping our message to come on board,
attracts our rangatahi” said Mrs Katene.

Young people are another group with low levels of electoral
engagement. Over half of the people who should be enrolled
to vote but are not are under the age of 25.

“Waving the flag is a powerful visual argument to lift the
voter turnout, to encourage democratic participation, and to
be seen on the scene” said Katene.


11.30am – Ka-koi starts from North City Plaza, Porirua
upstairs carpark
Drive through Porirua City Centre, Cannons Creek /
Waitangirua, Kenepuru, Tawa, Jville

1pm - Meet up at Parliament- Drive through Wellington
Lambton Quay , Victoria , Wakefield , Courtney; Newtown ,
Miramar , then out to the Hutt

2:30 - Hutt Road , Petone before the Jackson Street turnoff
Drive through Jackson Street , Randwick , Wainui Rd
Wainuiomata – Wainui Rd , Queen Street , Fitzherbert,
Lower Hutt – Whitesline, Ludlam, Queens Drive , Bunny
Street , Knights Rd , High Street; High Street through
Naenae, Taita etc to Upper Hutt

Upper Hutt – Fergusson Drive, Main Street, Fergusson
Drive, Blenheim Street, Goodshed Road. Finish at Maidstone