A New Dawn in Politics for us all

Maori Party

Thursday 6 November 2008, 5:35PM

By Maori Party


Veteran broadcaster, and Ikaroa-Rawhiti candidate for the
Maori Party, Derek Fox, has today spoken of the
heart-rending inspiration that the victory of Barack Obama
brings for the people of Aotearoa.

“In over four decades of covering ‘historic’ events
across all media, this moment in time is absolutely
exceptional” said Fox.

“It is a moment of profound hope; of the momentum that
mass movements for change can bring; of the unique challenge
met by the people of America, to reach deep in their souls,
and believe, their country needs them, once more”.

“History was written in the long, winding queues
signalling the excitement of voters saying, ‘yes we

“The Obama story brought together all generations, all
cultures, firmly believing that faith can win over apathy;
that optimism breeds success; that the anticipation of a
brighter future is a promise that they could commit to”.

“One feature which I found remarkable was the strength of
the young people who pitched in to pick up the call of the
campaign. This is a generation which we know in Aotearoa is
also our brightest prospect for change – the young people
who know that they want to be players in a better world”.

“Obama’s success means many things to Maori in
Aotearoa” said Fox. “It reminds us of the huge strength
that comes from collective energy; the power of the people.
We have been saying to our whanau, this too, is our time, to
pitch in, to bring all our whanau to the polling booth; to
do this because we can and want to look after each other, to
look after our nation”.

“I am so uplifted by the promise of this time” said Fox.
“Obama’s vision for change is one which tells the
world, we rise and fall together. We must heal the divides
that have held us back from being the best we can be – and
that is a vision, that we too in the Maori Party, believe is
right for our land”.

“This Saturday, we can bring to Aotearoa, a new dawn,
where every voice must be heard. We in the Maori Party
draw strength, just as Barack Obama said, from the enduring
power of our ideals – the aspirations and inspirations of
our ancestors that we know will create and shape a better
nation for us all.

“All that we need now, is two ticks to the Maori Party to
have a chance to also make that difference for all of us
here at home”.

Ikaroa Rawhiti Roadshow
Derek’s statement brings to an end, the week long journey
through the electorate of Ikaroa-Rawhiti. The bus headed
off from Te Araroa on Sunday and travelled throughout the
East Coast, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, and finishing today in
the Hutt Valley and Wainuiomata.

“There were some very sad sights throughout the trip”
said Fox. “Long stretches of isolation and poor
communication, inadequate telephone services; and shocking
roads, marred by washouts, potholes and slumping”.

“It was depressing to see our elderly folk living in
sub-standard housing; and I met families who had suffered
four generations of unemployment and benefit dependency.

Even today, in the capital city, in the suburb of Naenae,
there was a bread-van giving out bread to the poor. It was
just so moving - these are the real issues facing our

“I heard today, that the number of food parcels handed out
at Downtown Community Ministry’s food bank continues to
increase and I can absolutely believe it”.

Poverty must not be overlooked as the nation forms a new
Government” ended Mr Fox.