One more week for rates promotion
Ratepayers in Whakatane District have one more week (until Friday 21 November 2008) to register for Rates Direct promotion and to go into a draw to win one of four $500 New World hampers from the Council.
In a new initiative to make it easy for ratepayers to pay their rates bills, the Council launched the promotion to help ratepayers to set up a direct debit method of paying their rates.
The Council’s Chief Executive Diane Turner says Rates Direct is a payment method which will make it easy for ratepayers to settle their rates in a convenient and affordable manner.
“The system ensures that ratepayers can avoid rate penalties because their rates will always be paid on time. Once they sign up, they don’t have to do anything else. The Council takes over and ensures that the correct amounts are debited at the appointed dates.” Direct debits can be paid monthly, quarterly or annually. The choice is up to each ratepayer.
Rates direct has the additional benefit of reducing the Council’s cost of collecting rates.
“We can reduce our cost of collecting rates and these saving will be passed on to the ratepayers” said Ms Turner.
Chief Financial Officer, Helen Barnes said since the launch of the promotion last month over 800 people have signed up.
“We are expecting a lot more people to sign up when they come into pay their rates next week, just in time before the promotion ends on 21 November.”
The draw for the $500 hampers will be conducted on 24 November 2008 once all direct debits are entered into the Rates System. All four winners will be advertised in the local media.