Maori Party consultation underway on government formation
The Maori Party MPs are already on the road again, for their nationwide consultation tour following Election night. Members of the Maori Party will be consulted about the possibilities emerging for a relationship with the National Government.
“We have always said we would go back to our people” said Mrs Turia, “and that’s exactly what we are doing, although we never expected it to be as fast! We're very pleased to be able to go back to them so quickly."
“There has been enormous interest from our membership, who are urging us to ‘go for it’, to ensure the Maori Party is able to maintain our reputation as the strong and independent Maori voice of Parliament, in whatever arrangements can be negotiated,” said Mrs Turia.
First off the block has been Tai Tokerau MP, Hone Harawira, who commenced the round of hui this morning at 9am at Waimanoni marae.
“At this point, we have a schedule of approximately 40 hui organised between now and Sunday, from the Far North to Invercargill,” said Dr Sharples.
“The hui are open to all supporters of the Maori Party,” said Dr Sharples. ”What has really blown me away, is how prepared our constituency has been, to become a key player in the events as they have unfolded this week.”
“There is a great sense of expectation out there, as our supporters have been contacting our office in great number, and offering us advice about how best to carry the Maori Party forward into the 49th Parliament,” he said.
Note to media:
To promote free discussion, organisers have advised that the hui will not be open to media.