Buy Kiwi Made Media Campaign Tender Process


Thursday 28 June 2007, 3:07PM

By Mediacom


The Ministry of Economic Development confirmed today that it has followed the Government’s Mandatory Rules for Procurement by Departments in contracting M&C Saatchi Ltd to deliver advertising services for the Buy Kiwi Made media campaign. These Rules were also followed in awarding a separate contract with Research International NZ Ltd to complete baseline, qualitative and evaluation measurement for the campaign. Together these contracts total $6.3 million.

The open tender was initially placed on the Government Electronic Tenders Service and the outcome advised via that service and on the Buy Kiwi Made website on 11 April 2007.

In total, 27 tenders were received, seven proposals were short listed and four of these were invited to present to a selection panel that included independent expertise.

Under the Mandatory Rules for Procurement by Departments, a tender cannot be excluded from consideration based on the level of overseas ownership – to do so would conflict with our international trade obligations and objectives. In this case, the panel was unanimous in selecting M&C Saatchi Ltd’s tender as the best proposal of the highest quality. M&C Saatchi Ltd and the Ministry of Economic Development have agreed that this work will be conducted within New Zealand. The decision to award government contracts is the responsibility of the individual purchasing department.

Note: The Mandatory Rules for Procurement by Departments can be found at