Consultation hui going well Maori Party
By the close of today, the Maori Party will have completed eighteen consultation hui to discuss potential arrangements with the National-led government.
“From Waimanoni Marae at Awanui in the Far North through to Invercargill in the deep South, we have been united in our resolve that everyone needs to air their views about any decisions we make regarding the role of the Maori Party in the 2008-11 Parliament,” said Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia.
“The hui have been held in community centres, kura, Trust Board offices, marae, and church halls” said Mrs Turia. “There’s a real energy out there, and it’s a privilege to listen to the korero from our people as they offer us guidance about the way forward”.
“By the time we get to Sunday, thousands of miles will have been travelled, but even more important, we believe the huge inroads that our members are making into actively participating in the formation of Government provides us with a very strong foundation for the decisions we need to make”.
“Times are pretty tough out there – with 27% of Maori children living in poverty; and our youth unemployment rate currently sitting on 22%” said Mrs Turia. “Despite the rhetoric, the days under Labour have not created the buffer many families will need to prepare for their future”.
“With an even bleaker prospect ahead, our constituency has been stressing the need to be in a strong position of influence, to look out for their interests” said Mrs Turia. “Even though many of these communities have had less than 24 hours notice, it has been amazing to have the numbers we have had attending the hui; and we are humbled by the support they have given”.
By the end of today, hui have been held in:
Tai Tokerau: Dargaville, Henderson, Wellsford, Whangarei, Kaikohe, Kawakawa, Waimanoni
Tamaki Makaurau Otahuhu
Waiariki: Taupo; Whakatane; Murupara
Te Tai Hauauru: Tokoroa; Te Kuiti
Te Tai Tonga: Invercargill, Dunedin, Christchurch
Ikaroa Rawhiti: Gisborne, Ruatorea
Tomorrow, Friday 14 November, hui will be held in;
Hauraki Waikato: Papakura, Paeroa, Huntly, Hamilton
Ikaroa Rawhiti: Wairoa, Mangateretere
Te Tai Tonga: Picton, Nelson
Te Tai Hauauru: Hawera, Otaki
Waiariki: Turangi
Tamaki Makaurau: Glen Eden