Towards 2019 draft adopted for audit

Taupo District Council

Thursday 27 November 2008, 4:36PM

By Taupo District Council



Taupo District Council’s draft ten year plan “Towards 2019” was adopted yesterday to go to the Office of the Auditor General for the big tick before it goes out to the public

Audit NZ work with the Office of the Auditor General to ensure the information in the draft ten year plan meets the legislative requirements before it can be released to the public. Once it has been audited, Council will meet again to sign it off and begin the public consultation process.

Deputy CEO Anne McLeod says “we expect to have copies of the full document ready for the public by late December and we are also producing a summary of the plan that will be distributed to all residents and ratepayers after Christmas. The summary will set out our major projects and activities, and will include information on how to make a submission on the ten year plan.

Mayor Rick Cooper says “over the last 12 – 18 months we have been out and about talking to people about what they want for their neighbourhoods and communities both in the short and the long term. Council have incorporated this feedback into the plan and I think people will be happy with the direction we are taking.”

He says “this is the public’s chance to have their say on the future of the district. We need them to tell us whether they are happy with what Council has planned for the district over the next ten years, whether they disagree with anything, or if they think we have left something out. If there is strong feeling that we haven’t quite captured their dreams and aspirations, Council is still very open to changing or adjusting its plans.”

Once adopted, Council staff and Elected members will be available in a number of locations over the summer period to gauge the communities reaction and gather public submissions on the ten year plan. Submissions will be accepted from late December and will close on 27 February 2009. Details will be widely publicised in December.