Minister welcomes dairying effluent report

David Carter

Friday 28 November 2008, 11:30AM

By David Carter


The Minister of Agriculture Hon David Carter has welcomed the findings of Environment Canterbury's (ECAN) 2007/08 dairy shed effluent report.

"The results are encouraging. Around 80% of all dairy farmers in Canterbury are now managing the effluent from their cows effectively, and are either fully or near compliant.

"It is good to see that the majority of farmers take their environmental responsibilities seriously and that an increasing number of farms are now fully compliant.

"However, there is clearly still work to be done to improve effluent management on-farm.

"It is highly disappointing that there are farmers who continue to have serious compliance issues.

"There is simply no place for wilful and repeat polluters in modern agriculture. The minority who continue to let the rest of the sector down must be dealt to.

"Effluent from dairy farms is a very serious issue and particularly concerning is its affects on water quality.

"I am heartened to see environmental groups and the dairy sector - including organisations like DairyNZ, Fish and Game, Forest and Bird, Synlait and Fonterra - all working to find solutions and ensure an environmentally sustainable dairy industry.

"We must all play our part to protect and manage the environment that we live and work in".