Bar Door To Swing One Way After 2.30am

Friday 28 November 2008, 2:04PM

By Hastings District Council



Starting Monday, December 1, taverns and bars around Napier City and Hastings District will be participating in a trial voluntary one-way-door program.

This means that from 2:30am onwards bars will prevent people from entering their premises for the last half hour of trade.

“People will be free to stay on at bars or leave at their discretion - they just cannot enter a bar after 2:30 in the morning” says Michael Webster, Regulatory Services Manager for Napier City Council.

“We are grateful for the cooperation of local bars in this trial.”

The trial will last for four months, after which it will be assessed with the help of the Police to determine whether it has been successful.

One-way-door policies have been introduced in a number of cities nationally and internationally.

Generally use of the policy has resulted in a safer environment for patrons, with people leaving bars over a period of time reducing the crowds gathering outside bars at the end of the night.

The introduction of the trial follows meetings between licensees and the Mayors of Napier and Hastings and Police.

Hawke’s Bay Police welcome the introduction of the One Way Door policy.

"The One Way Door Policy is a strategy used in many locations to increase safety in night time environments" say Hastings Police Area Commander, Dean Clifford

"We are hopeful that this trial, together with a number of other initiatives, will see the holiday period experience less violence and disorder in and around popular nightspots."

The key to initiating this trial has been the cooperation between licensees, agencies and the local authorities in the two cities.

"There has been a lot of work going on to get a regional response to alcohol issues in Hawke’s Bay and this trial is an indication of the success of that work" said Inspector Clifford.

For more information, contact Mike Webster, Napier City Council Regulatory Services Manager on (06) 835 7579 or John Lovatt, Hastings District Council Sale of Liquor Environmental Officer on (06) 871 5000.