Probation law will assist re-employment

Employers and Manufacturers Association

Wednesday 10 December 2008, 7:51AM

By Employers and Manufacturers Association


Employers forced to lay staff off will re-hire them sooner under a new probation law to be passed before Christmas, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


“Small businesses often delay hiring new staff until they absolutely have to because of the current personal grievance laws,” Mr Lowe said.


“So giving employers more scope to take a chance and hire sooner rather than later is good news for workers recently laid off.


“EMA has been critical of governments passing laws without public consultation but this law was recently examined by a Select Committee and represents orthodox employment practice around the world.


“New Zealand and Denmark are the only countries in the OECD without it.


“Last week the Australian Labour Government announced new employment laws that included a 12 month grievance free period for employers employing less than 15 workers and a 6 month grievance free period for all other employers.


“The UK also has a 12 month grievance free period of employment since 1996.”