Review of Camping Grounds Opens for Public Comment

New Plymouth District Council

Monday 15 December 2008, 2:30PM

By New Plymouth District Council



A comprehensive review of the future shape of New Plymouth District Council’s six coastal campgrounds has opened for public comment today (Monday).

The aim of the review is to provide camping ground services and facilities that meet the expectations of users and enhance the adjacent public open spaces. Proposed new management models aim to spread costs and risk between lessees and ratepayers.

“The ideas for each campground that are being put forward aren’t a proposed schedule of works by the council, but rather the result of detailed discussion between council officers, the campgrounds’ lessees and contractor, and iwi,” says Manager Parks Mark Bruhn.

“Before we go any further with firming up development plans, we want to hear from the public about what they support, and if they think any of the ideas should be changed.

The council will consider all of the feedback prior to making final decisions.”

Feedback closes on 27 February 2009.

Any developments that require council funding will be considered as part of the draft Community Plan 2009-2019.

A summary of the ideas up for consideration follow. More information plus survey forms are available on this website in the Consultations section, and from the Civic Centre, Puke Ariki and district libraries.

Oakura Beach Holiday Park

Public access along the coast could be enhanced by widening the walking corridor on the lower terrace.
The number of campervan sites could increase from none to six, and camping sites could decrease from 129 to 76 to provide an increase of cabins from 15 to 30.
Space for a consolidated area for cabins on the upper coastal terrace would require the installation of a gabion basket retaining wall.
There could be improvements to sewerage, water and electricity systems, a new barbecue area and a communal lounge/games room, plus improvements to the public car park off Jans Tce.
Erosion management to protect the lower terrace and public walking requires more investigation.
The landward camping area is proposed to have a depot for camp operations.
Belt Rd Seaside Holiday Park

The number of camping sites could reduce from 96 to 76 to provide for an increase in the number of cabins from 20 to 31.
A new pedestrian bridge over the railway line from the holiday park’s north-western corner could provide a pedestrian link with the lee breakwater.
Fitzroy Beach Holiday Park

The main entrance is proposed off Record St to access a new office and manager’s house.
Camping sites close to the Coastal Walkway could be freed up for public open space by removing the kitchen, ablution and laundry buildings (which are due for replacement in 2012) and removing the existing cabins on the lower terrace.
The existing office and house have the potential for a commercial operation.
The lower terrace could provide 70 camping sites plus 50 seasonal tent sites.
Up to 20 cabins could be grouped on the upper terrace.
Pedestrian access through the reserve linking with the Coastal Walkway could be defined with improved pathways.
Marine Park Motor Camp

The proposed development concept shows the development potential and is intended to attract interest from potential investors.
If it is developed, all of the campground’s cabins plus the ablution, kitchen and other buildings would need to be removed.
Earthworks would be required to level the site near the beach and remove old trees.
The number of camping sites could be 25 in the beach area and 28 in the eastern area, with 20 cabins and two dormitory/backpacker buildings.
Onaero Bay Holiday Park

The western river bank area could change from camping sites to an open public space with no infrastructure or buildings, with the 16 removed sites being relocated to the eastern bank.
Cabins could be grouped near the entrance.
More public space could be provided on the eastern bank near the beach, with a new toilet and external showers for day visitors.
A new car park near the bridge could be constructed.
The bach area and adjacent grassed area would remain unchanged.
Urenui Beach Motor Camp

The number of sites for tents, caravans and campervans could increase from 56 to 70 in the river area, and decrease from 89 to 78 in the golf area. In the golf area the number of campervan spaces near the entrance could increase from none to four, and the number of cabins could increase from none to five.
Space for day visitors to picnic and park could be enlarged alongside the river, and a new toilet is possible.
The existing communal kitchen and ablution building in the western river camping zone would require upgrading, while the kitchen, ablution and laundry building in the eastern camping zone could be replaced and moved to a central location.
The bach areas, boat ramp, playground and hall would remain unchanged.

Camping ground user survey - have your say
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