Business optimism still evident; warnings for 2009

Employers and Manufacturers Association

Tuesday 16 December 2008, 4:17PM

By Employers and Manufacturers Association


The majority of businesses are still optimistic about their employment intentions despite the gloomy economic forecasts for next year, a survey* of the Employers & Manufacturers Association finds.


The survey conducted on December 8th recorded 730 responses.


“In all 68 per cent of businesses reported that right now they are doing well or alright overall, or able to maintain their current business and staffing structures,” said Alasdair Thompson, EMA’s chief executive.


“Only two per cent of businesses report they are fighting for survival.


“Employment intentions are better than might be expected given the outlook for 2009.” Mr Thompson said.


In other findings from the survey, a third of employers rate personal grievance reform their top employment priority followed by support for measures to boost productivity. EMA’s Employment Services Manager David Lowe said the 90 day probation law attracted very strong support.


“Employers will be extremely reluctant to lose skilled staff given how hard it has been for them to find and train them,” Mr Lowe said.


Mr Thompson said 46 per cent of businesses currently say they are keeping their staff numbers steady with a further 23 per cent not replacing staff who leave. 18 per cent are carrying out redundancies.


“Looking to next year, businesses appear optimistic with 14 per cent planning to increase staff numbers,” he said. “Over half (54 per cent) are planning to maintain staffing levels at present levels.


“Twenty per cent say they will not replace staff when they leave with the remaining two per cent forecasting redundancies in 2009. This seems to be an overly optimistic opinion albeit a positive one.


“What we may be seeing in the run up to Christmas is indeed a shallow recovery from a shallow recession as Dr Bollard has noted, but our expectation is that this won’t continue next year.


“The recession we have had was largely driven by high interest, petrol and food prices. The recession we’re about to have will result from a lack of export orders and falling commodity prices on world markets.


“40 per cent of our economy is dependent on export earnings.


“Business needs to be pragmatic, prudent and cautious for at least the first half of 2009.”


Mr Lowe noted the 90 day probation law was very strongly supported, but employers also rated highly the fixing of the rest of the personal grievance laws along with the Mediation Service and Employment Relations Authority.


“Real and tangible outcomes from Government initiatives to improve productivity were also at the top of the list.


“Changes to laws involving unions were lowest priority which is to be expected given less than 10 per cent of employers have any union involvement.


“Employers clearly think KiwiSaver is a good idea gone bad, but are split on whether to do anything about it. About half want it changed to become fairer for all concerned and the other half have had enough of the constant changes and just want it left to settle down.


“Employers support competition and choice to oblige ACC to spend taxpayer’s money more efficiently. 78 per cent support a private sector role in rehabilitating injured employees and 80 per cent support choice in getting ACC cover from either the government or the private insurance sector.


“Overall wage increases are down on previous years.


“Employers who responded said they gave an average pay rise of four per cent to those on individual agreements compared to 3.8 per cent for unionized employees.


“We expect these wages increases to fall further as the economic down-turn continues to take effect.”

Employment Roundup Survey Results

December 2008

On 8 December 2008, the EMA undertook a survey on a range of issues to find out how employers are approaching key issues. 730 businesses responded. A very similar survey was undertaken in 2006 and 2007.

Economic conditions and Staffing levels

  1. Which best describes the current state of your business?

    We are doing very well 10%
    We are doing alright 27%
    Business is tight, but we will get through the current down-turn with our current business and staffing structure 31%
    We are having to take some proactive action in order to get through the down-turn 30%
    We are unsure if we will survive the down-turn 2%


  1. In terms of staffing levels, what best describes your current situation?


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  1. In 2009, do you predict you will be:

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  1. On a scale of 1 – 5, do you have difficulty getting any applicants at all for job vacancies (even if they are unsuitable)? (1 being no trouble at all and 5 being very difficult.

        2008 2007
      1 (no trouble at all) 28.2% 9%
      2 32.4% 20%
      3 24.2% 30%
      4 10.5% 25%
      5 (very difficult) 4.6% 17%


  1. On a scale of 1 – 5, do you have difficulty getting suitable applicants? (1 being no trouble at all and 5 being very difficult.

      1 (no trouble at all) 5.5%
      2 18.3%
      3 27.5%
      4 29.9%
      5 (very difficult) 18.8%


New Government Priorities

  1. The new Government has indicated its intention to change current employment laws. Below are 10 of the most common employment issues. Please indicate them in order of priority that you would like the Government to attend to them.

    Issues ranked as Top Priority

    Ranking Issue Percentage of businesses
    1. Implement National’s policy of a personal grievance free trial period of 90 days for workplaces having less than 20 employees 32%
    2. Encourage productivity improvements to deliver real tangible outcomes 18%
    3. Fix issues relating to the personal grievance laws, the Mediation Service and Employment Relations Authority 16%
    4. Review the raft of amendments made to the Employment Relations Act since 2000, such as flexible working laws, contracting out laws, etc. 15%
    5. Skills development including literacy and numeracy 12%
    6. Allow the 4th weeks holiday to be cashed-up 10%
    7. Implement ACC changes to bring efficiencies to rehabilitation and levy setting 10%
    8. Review Holidays Act, including ‘relevant daily pay’ definition 9%
    9. Change Employment Relations Act so far as it relates to collective bargaining 9%
    10. Change the Employment Relations Act as it relates to unions, including union access 6%


Overall ranking

    Ranking Issue
    1. Fix issues relating to the personal grievance laws, the Mediation Service and Employment Relations Authority
    2. Review the raft of amendments made to the Employment Relations Act since 2000, such as flexible working laws, contracting out laws, etc.
    3. Implement National’s policy of a personal grievance free trial period of 90 days for workplaces having less than 20 employees
    4. Encourage productivity improvements to deliver real tangible outcomes
    5. Implement ACC changes to bring efficiencies to rehabilitation and levy setting
    6. Skills development including literacy and numeracy
    7. Review Holidays Act, including ‘relevant daily pay’ definition
    8. Change Employment Relations Act so far as it relates to collective bargaining
    9. Allow the 4th weeks holiday to be cashed-up
    10. Change the Employment Relations Act as it relates to unions, including union access



  1. Would you prefer KiwiSaver to be:


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  1. Do you support the private sector having a role in rehabilitating injured employees?


    Yes 78%

    No 22%

  1. Do you support employers having the choice to obtain ACC cover from either the ACC itself or from a private sector insurance company?


    Yes 80%

    No 20%

Collective Agreements/Wages

10. Do you have collective employment agreement(s)?

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11. Have you settled collective bargaining in the last 12 months?

Yes 21%

No 79%

12(a) What was the term of the collective agreement?

    1-5 months 2%

    6-10 months 3%

    11-15 months 55%

    16 – 20 months 2%

    21-25 months 30%

    26-30 months 0%

    31-35 months 1%

    36-40 months 7%

12(b). What was the annualized* wage increase agreed to for the:

2007 2008

First period** 4.03% 3.8%

Second period** 3.55% 3.0%

Third period** 3.3% 1.7%

    * An annualized increase is found by dividing the wage increase by the number of months of the period and then multiplying it by 12.

    ** Some settlements include more than one wage increase. For example a two year term, 1% for the first period and a further 1% for the second period.

    13. What was the approximate average percentage wage increase you gave your staff over the last 12 months (excluding any collective bargaining)?

2007 2008

4.76% 4%