Christchurch Mayor calls for Government action on boy racers

Christchurch City Council

Friday 16 January 2009, 11:22AM

By Christchurch City Council



Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker is challenging the new Government to tell the Christchurch community what it will do to address the problem of boy racers in the city.

In the past year the Christchurch City Council has used the limited powers it has available in a bid to stamp out the destructive, noisy and anti-social behaviour exhibited by boy racers and ensure that Christchurch is a safe community for residents, visitors and tourists alike, Mr Parker says.

“However Council and the Christchurch community is at the end of its tether. The ball is now in the court of central Government to introduce legislation to curb the problem of young hoons terrorising our community.”

Mr Parker calls for Central Government to urgently consider legislation which includes:
· Using demerit points for offences including unpaid fines, speeding, noisy vehicles and false or obscured registration plates.
· Drivers’ licenses suspended for unpaid fines.
· Police being able to ticket immediately without having to warn at unruly gatherings.
· Third party insurance for vehicles.
· Increasing the age at which young people can qualify or a drivers’ license.
· Lowering the allowable level of blood alcohol for drivers.

“Our police are doing an outstanding job, but it’s time for Government to create a playing field that favours the rights of decent, law-abiding Kiwis.

“Introducing these measures would curb the totally unacceptable behaviour of the young hoons in our community who for too long have run roughshod over the rights of ordinary Christchurch people.

“We’ve done what we can including last year using the Mayor’s executive powers to implement a ban on boy racers in streets and roads where there was a problem. Just last month we introduced no stopping restrictions on Harper and Deans Avenues to curb boy racer problems in the area.

“While these actions have caused some respite in the areas targeted, we still have an issue with safety, property damage, litter, vandalism, noise issues and the poor image of the city being generated by these young hoons. They show total disrespect for the community, including the Police who with the powers they have do an excellent job tackling these ongoing problems.

“It is extremely disappointing to learn this week of how our international tourism reputation has been damaged yet again with a television programme in Germany depicting Christchurch as a city beset by hordes of boy racers.

“As a city we have made a commitment to zero tolerance for violence and crime and our community has signalled the behaviour exhibited by these young hoons needs to be stamped out. I am appealing to the Government to act with urgency on these issues,” Mr Parker says.