Obamas Green Leadership Challenges National

Green Party

Wednesday 21 January 2009, 12:21PM

By Green Party


As the new US President promised again to champion the environment, Green Party Co-Leader Dr. Russel Norman asked why New Zealand’s Government is headed in the opposite direction.

“President Obama repeated his commitment to clean energy in his inauguration speech today,” says Norman, “while the National Government is in reverse on sustainable bio-fuels, energy efficiency and renewable generation.

“President Obama confirmed that he wants to fight climate change while National suspends the Emissions Trading Scheme and its coalition partner, ACT, denies the science.”

“President Obama took the time to talk about how we consume resources while our Government won’t pay for recycling bins at our most popular tourist destinations. The world is going green, and under National, the risk is New Zealand gets left behind.”

The Green Party officially welcomes the Obama Presidency and his administration’s action plan for the environment, Norman says, as well as the US President’s commitment to global cooperation to achieve sustainability and end poverty. The Green Party Co-Leader renewed his call for the National Government to take similar steps in support of clean energy, healthy homes and control of greenhouse gases.

“After the dark years of the Bush administration, the United States and other big nations are starting to lead the way - all National has to do is follow,” says Norman.