ACT Endorses Remuneration Restraint For MPs

Thursday 22 January 2009, 3:43PM

By Rodney Hide


ACT MPs agree with Prime Minister John Key that there should be no increase in remuneration for Members of Parliament when the next review is conducted by the Remuneration Authority, ACT Leader the Hon Rodney Hide said today.

"At a time when working New Zealanders are tightening their belts and facing economic uncertainty, it is entirely wrong that MPs will receive increases in their remuneration," Mr Hide said.

"In my role as Minister of Local Government I have been strongly critical of the poor quality spending by local councils and the impact that this has had on ratepayers and businesses. ACT agrees with the National Party that we need to show some restraint in difficult times.

"While recognising its independent decision-making role I, as Leader of the ACT Party, will ensure that the Remuneration Authority is aware that ACT is recommending that there be no increase for Members of Parliament in the year ahead," Mr Hide said.