Kiwis lap up video games

Thursday 22 January 2009, 3:55PM

By Pead PR


A bumper Christmas for video gaming has pushed the total number of consoles sold in NZ to more than 830,000.

Market research company GfK Retail and Technology started tracking New Zealand console numbers in 2003, and figures show that despite economic concerns in 2008, the NZ console market has shown growth of around 15 per cent, with more than 177,000 consoles sold in New Zealand last year.

“Multiple generations are gaming - and research shows that people are increasingly looking for 'active relaxation' activities like video gaming, as opposed to sitting in front of the television, or 'passive relaxation'." says Xbox NZ category manager, Tom Hunt.

Hunt says Xbox 360 sold more than 10,000 consoles in December alone, taking total NZ sales to almost 90,000. He attributes the strong sales to a number of factors; the price point that Xbox 360 is now offered at; growing broadband uptake that lets gamers play online; and an international trend that shows people are spending money on home entertainment, rather than on bigger ticket items or travel.

Hunt expects sales to remain strong in 2009 and predicts more people will connect their consoles to the internet than ever before.

“Our online component - Xbox LIVE - lets you play against friends, download content, and stream media throughout your house. As broadband take-up increases, so does the take-up of Xbox LIVE – more than half of Kiwi households who own an Xbox 360 are on LIVE, and globally we have more than 17 million members.”
In New Zealand alone, Xbox 360 owners have spent a total of 3.8 million hours on the Xbox LIVE network during 2008, he says.
Notes to editors:
Xbox 360 has sold almost 90,000 consoles in New Zealand to date, making the Xbox 360 the number one next-generation console in New Zealand.
Starting at the recommended retail price of $349 NZ, Xbox 360 is the lowest-priced next-generation console with the most games available.

Local facts*
· ‘Gears of War 2’ was the number one selling next-generation game in November-December 2008.
· More than 50 per cent of Kiwi Xbox 360 owners are connected to Xbox LIVE.
· New Zealand Xbox LIVE membership increased by 86 per cent on 2007.
· Worldwide over 28 million Xbox 360 consoles have been sold and over 17 million people are connected to Xbox LIVE.
· Kiwis spent over 3.8 million hours on Xbox LIVE in 2008.
· Xbox 360 owners have an average of nearly eight games for their console.
· 63 per cent of the 500 games available for Xbox 360 are rated G or PG.
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* All figures quoted are supplied by GfK Retail and Technology except for Xbox LIVE figures