Time to charge full steam ahead with electrification

Green Party

Monday 2 February 2009, 1:43PM

By Green Party



The Green Party says now is the time to charge full steam ahead with electrifying Auckland’s rail network.

Although the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) has suffered losses due to the global economic crisis, Chairman Mike Lee was adamant in today’s New Zealand Herald that the ARC was past the point of no return regarding rail electrification, and integrating Auckland’s public transport ticketing system.

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says Mr Lee is to be congratulated for his steadfast desire to finally move Auckland into the 21st Century with his commitment to clean green transport options.

“It is time to pull out all the stops to create an improved public transport system in Auckland. The current economic crisis is an opportunity for central and local Government to work together to help create better transport solutions for Auckland.”

Ms Fitzsimons is also pleased that Finance Minister Bill English hinted in the New Zealand Herald that the Government would back councils hit hard by the global recession.

“Keeping Auckland on the move is vital to New Zealand’s economy and to our recovery from the recession. Motorways can’t do it. Moving drivers out of their cars and into modern electric trains will help both the economy and the Government’s commitment to meeting its Kyoto obligations.”

New National MP Nikki Kaye said in her maiden speech that the environment was the greatest gift we have as a nation. The Greens applaud this sentiment from the new Auckland Central MP and hope some of her colleagues will see that the way out of the current recession is to move beyond a 20th century mindset of more motorways and into the 21st century, Ms Fitzsimons says.

“A good first step in assisting local Government, preserving the environment, and keeping Auckland moving into the future would be to stop the SH20 Waterview project and divert the money into extra funding for the electric rail network.”